
Japan Today - News - Lucas jabs at 'Bush's empire' - Japanese Leading International News Network

I need to start off by saying that I'm both a fan of Star Wars and President Bush. Naturally, when Lucas made some of the vague comments in the above article indirectly comparing President Bush to Darth Vader I was ticked.

I support what I believe to be Bush's honorable intentions in going to war in Iraq to bring a better quality of life and to go on the offensive on the war on terror. I'm not a stupid redneck blindly following a cause. I am educated, conservative, and for the first time in the last 20 voting years of my life, actually becoming involved and informed.

I have defined my political ideals, and while they do not always correspond to the Republican "right", they are more aligned with that party than any other.

As Hamlet would say, "There's the rub." I didn't buy Heinz ketchup during the election. I put bumper stickers on my car. I felt like I made a stand and drew a line in the sand. But now what am I going to do about the latest Star Wars movie?

I should have expected such comments coming out of the Cannes Festival, but not from Lucas himself. Do I boycott the movie? Stop buying cereal with light saber spoons? Take Yoda off my desktop?

No. Not today. Lucas isn't even close to that Fahrenheit 911 guy from last year.

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