
What's Better - Not Being Picked, Or Being Picked Last?

I recently applied to my former elementary school for a principal position opening next year. It is a catholic school, tied to the parish where my family goes to church.

I thought I had an "in" for the position, but as it turns out the Search Committe didn't even want to interview me. Confusing to say the least. As I mulled it over, though, I asked myself what would be worse; not being picked at all or being picked last?

If you remember back to the playground days when we lined up to be picked for kickball teams, the feeling of being picked last was devastating. There was no option of not being picked at all, unless teams were uneven, you really sucked, or the other kids were just mean. Here, though in this situation the latter option is there - and I think I like it better.

Not being picked at all validates to me that it must not be personal. It has to do with my minimal professional expereince, my lack of an elementary environment, or some other non-personal reason. However, if I was interviewed and not picked, then I think I would feel it was personal because I know the members of the Search Committee.

Actually, I think it is for the best. As I tried to justify in my mind that a move to St. Mark was a calling, a ministry for me. I think, though, that the Lord has reminded me of my ministry at Day Treatment.

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