
Most Quotable Comedy of 1980


This was the firstR-rated movie I ever saw at the theater. Granted, I'd had been sneaking late at night to watch Rs on the TV on Showtime in the family room. In 7th grade I was allowed to go see this film with an older kid up the street.

Quotes for everyday use abound in this movie. Quips like:

"That's the worst looking hat I ever saw. What, when you buy a hat like this I bet you get a free bowl of soup, huh? O, it looks good on you though." (then Dangerfield does his famous eyeroll)

Or who could forget Bill Murry's character Carl Spackler the groundskeeper's misunderstanding when he was told to rid the course of gophers:

"Correct me if I'm wrong Sandy, but if I kill all the golfers they'll lockme up and throw away the key."

This movie is full of quotes that still make me laugh even when I'm not watching the movie.

It's interesting that my taste for comedies began here, and continues throughout the 80s with some of the same actors. Stay tuned for tomorrow's installment. Can anyone guess?

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